ERCOT PGRR-109: In-Depth Overview and Compliance Requirements

ERCOT PGRR-109: In-Depth Overview and Compliance Requirements

Overview of PGRR 109

Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) 109 introduces a new requirement for Interconnecting Entities (IEs) associated with Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) to undergo a dynamic model review process prior to the Resource Commissioning Date.

Additionally, this PGRR mandates that Resource Entities owning or controlling operational IBRs must undergo a review process before implementing modifications to any control settings or equipment that impact the dynamic response (e.g., voltage, frequency, and current injections) at the Point of Interconnection (POI).

As part of the review process, ERCOT will review the model quality tests submitted by an IE or Resource Entity. In the case of operational IBRs, the review process may require the interconnecting Transmission Service Provider (TSP) to conduct a limited dynamic stability study to compare and evaluate the electrical performance before and after the proposed modifications.

Applicability of PGRR 109

A. Any entity proposing to interconnect any generator with an aggregate nameplate capacity of one MW or greater, including but not limited to any Generation Resource or Energy Storage Resource (ESR), to the ERCOT System.

B. Any entity proposing to interconnect a Settlement Only Generator (SOG) to the ERCOT System; or

C. Any Resource Entity seeking to modify a Generation Resource, ESR, or SOG that is connected to the ERCOT System by:

  • Increasing the real power rating from that shown in the latest Resource Registration data by one MW or greater within a single year.
  • Changing the inverter, turbine, generator, or power converter associated with a facility with an aggregate real power rating of ten MW or greater, unless the replacement is in-kind.
  • Modifying any control settings or equipment of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) that impact the dynamic response (such as voltage, frequency, and current injections) at the Point of Interconnection (POI).
  • Changing or adding a Point of Interconnection (POI) to a facility with an aggregate real power rating of ten MW or greater; or
  • Increasing the aggregate nameplate capacity of a generator less than ten MW to ten MW or greater.

New Requirements by PGRR 109

A. Prior to the Resource Commissioning Date of an Inverter-Based Resource (IBR), the IE associated with the IBR shall submit the appropriate dynamic models for the “as-built” data and the data submitted for the quarterly stability assessment, documentation clearly indicating any differences, results of the model quality tests of the “as-built” data overlaid with the results of the data submitted for the quarterly stability assessment, and associated simulation files.

B. No later than 30 days following the Resource Commissioning Date, the Resource Entity shall submit updates based on “as-built” data and provide a plant verification report to ERCOT.

  • Prior to implementing modifications to any control settings or equipment of an IBR that impacts the dynamic response (such as voltage, frequency, and current injections) at the Point of Interconnection (POI), the proposed modification shall be reviewed by the interconnecting Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and ERCOT.
  • The Resource Entity shall submit the appropriate dynamic model for the proposed modification, results of the model quality tests overlaid with the results before the modification, and associated simulation files for ERCOT review.

For a detailed consultation on how ZEG can support your compliance with PGRR 109, please contact Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., PE ( or Dilan Novosad, PE ( directly. Our expertise is designed to help you achieve and maintain full regulatory compliance with ERCOT’s latest standards.