ERCOT WMS Meeting Summary – May 1, 2024

ERCOT WMS Meeting Summary – May 1, 2024

During the recent WMS (Wholesale Market Subcommittee) meeting, various key points and updates were discussed and summarized. The meeting began with the approval of the minutes from the previous WMS meeting held on April 3, 2024.

Eric Blakey provided an update from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which included discussions on NOGRR245. Although NOGRR245 was approved, it was remanded back to TAC by the board. Upcoming TAC events include a workshop scheduled for May 10th, a regular meeting on May 22nd, and a possible special meeting on June 10th. Additional topics discussed included ECRS and the San Antonio Southern Reliability Two project.

Maggie Shanks presented the Q1 Settlement Stability Report, noting that there were no price corrections in Q1 except for a resettlement due to a non-price error. The report also covered settlement metrics, ESI ID consumption data availability, and net allocations to load by congestion management zone.

Dan Mantena presented the Unregistered Distributed Generation Report, which showed a total of 2,572 megawatts of unregistered DG in 2023, representing a 29% growth compared to 2022. The Q1 2024 unregistered DG total was 2,608 megawatts, primarily from solar, with a net change of 105 megawatts between the last two quarters.

Alex Miller from the Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) provided updates on ESRs presentation, challenges with CRR auction solutions, and the expected release of SCR819 “not to exceed methodology implementation” in June.

Nathaniel Mancha was introduced as the new chair of the Demand Side Working Group (DSWG). Discussions included NPRR1217, weather-sensitive deployment changes, technical requirements for ERS, and resettlements for June through September 2023.

Michael Blum from the Metering Working Group (MWG) mentioned that MWG guidelines are being refreshed, and a presentation on current limiting reactors and line loss methodology was given. NPRR1200 was recommended to be tabled until SMOGRR028 is further refined.

Kevin Hanson from the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) provided updates on the CONE study, weighted average cost of capital, LTSA fee structure, and load forecast. Discussions also covered NPRR1219 and planned project success rate analysis.

Kevin Hanson from the Wholesale Market Working Group (WMWG) shared comments on NPRR1216 provided by ERCOT and TCPA. NPRR1190 was also ready for a vote at WMS.

Ino Gonzalez discussed two Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Requests: VCMRR040, which aims to eliminate the requirement for an annual coal price subscription, and VCMRR041, which recommends using fixed prices for SO2 and NOX emissions costs.