MISO MUG Meeting Summary – July 15, 2024

MISO MUG Meeting Summary – July 15, 2024

The MISO Modeling User Group convened on July 15, 2024, under the leadership of Kyle Johnson, where Joe Wax provided comprehensive updates on the progress of the MISO Model Manager project’s third phase. Wax highlighted key collaborations with Siemens aimed at aligning data fields effectively. The agenda encompassed updates on ISIS 24, advancements in the MMWG dynamics model set, proposed revisions to the climate model manual, requests for GIC data, and efforts toward model reconciliation. 

Discussions delved deep into refining the planning modeling manual, clarifying scenario definitions, and optimizing load profiles. Participants engaged in detailed dialogues on the intricacies of DER modeling, nuances in dispatch methodologies, and the critical role of accurate load representation. Emphasis was placed on aligning modeling practices rigorously with industry standards to enhance operational efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance. 

Survey findings underscored active utilization of MISO’s models, with a notable interest in expanding scenario coverage, particularly in renewable dispatch. Concerns regarding outdated projects within MOD prompted calls for systematic data cleanup to bolster accuracy and streamline modeling processes. Participants emphasized proactive measures to safeguard data integrity and elevate modeling practices across MISO. 

Regulatory considerations were prominent, focusing on adapting to the implications of FERC Order 1920 and aligning modeling strategies with evolving industry standards. The meeting concluded with a commitment to collaborative problem-solving and effective communication within the MISO community, setting the stage for the pivotal August 20 meeting. This meeting is anticipated to drive further advancements in modeling practices and proactive adaptation to regulatory changes. 

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