Overview of PJM Transition Cluster 1

Overview of PJM Transition Cluster 1

PJM has reached a significant milestone in its interconnection process reform by completing Phase 1 System Impact Studies for 306 active queued projects within Transition Cycle 1 (TC#1). This phase, which started on January 22, 2024, is crucial for evaluating the potential impacts of new energy projects on the existing PJM grid infrastructure. TC#1 encompasses projects listed in the AE1-AG1 queues that neither received a final agreement nor qualified for the expedited process. The results of the Phase 1 System Impact Study (SIS) for PJM TC#1 were made publicly available on May 21, 2024.

Developers now have until June 20 to decide whether to proceed with Phase 2 studies. During this critical period, Zero Emission Grid (ZEG) supports developers by analyzing market trends, regulatory impacts, and technological advancements. This helps developers make informed decisions, optimize costs, and remain competitive. Understanding the shifting cost dynamics as more expensive projects are dropped off is crucial for developers to forecast expenses and adjust strategies effectively.

PJM Transition Cluster 1 Upgrades

For more details, including insights available through the comprehensive dashboard specifically for PJM Transition Cluster 1 available in REST™, please read the full summary report. ZEG’s strategic guidance is essential in navigating the evolving interconnection queue landscape, ensuring successful project outcomes.