SPP GIAG Meeting – 7/24/2024 

SPP GIAG Meeting – 7/24/2024 

On July 24th, the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Generation Interconnection Advisory Group convened to provide update regarding SPP’s interconnection process including debates on a proposed halt to the 2025 cluster window, process efficiencies, technological upgrades, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder engagement. Here’s a summary of the key topics discussed in this session:

Proposal to Not Open a Cluster Window in 2025
SPP shared their intent to forgo opening a new cluster window in 2025. This move aims to provide additional time to more effectively manage the existing backlog of interconnection requests. The announcement stirred considerable concern among developers and investors, who were apprehensive about potential delays and the financial ramifications on their projects. Detailed forecasts were requested to understand how the backlog would be tackled and the criteria for project prioritization during the suspension.

The conversation also went into the regulatory frameworks supporting this decision, particularly how SPP plans to justify the suspension to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Stakeholders explained the potential challenges and the necessary legal groundwork for a successful waiver application. Concerns surfaced regarding the precedent-setting impacts of such a waiver and its future regulatory implications, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive legal strategy to navigate this uncharted territory.

Efficiency Improvements in Queue Management
During the meeting, participants engaged in a detailed discussion on optimizing queue management processes. The focus was on refining the triggers for restudies, which are often necessitated by the evolving scope of shared network upgrades, more specifically, minimizing serial restudy impacts and enhancing threshold criteria for project aggregation. The discussions highlighted a strategic push towards reducing the frequency of these restudies, which are time-consuming and costly. Proposals for adopting targeted study processes were introduced, aiming to cluster projects based on shared technical characteristics or geographical proximity, thereby reducing administrative overhead and expediting the overall queue progression.

Technological and Process Upgrades
The meeting covered upcoming technology changes intended to speed up the interconnection process. While the exact tools weren’t detailed, SPP may use cloud-based platforms for better data management and AI-driven algorithms to quickly process interconnection requests. Plans to start testing these technologies and finalize them are set for upcoming dates. Training sessions are also planned to ensure these tools are used effectively.

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