ZEG’s Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Siting Tool

With years of experience in renewable project development and advisory services, we've crafted REST™ to address the industry's key challenges in smart energy resource siting.

REST™ offers a comprehensive solution, covering critical aspects such as grid data precision, anticipated transmission capacity, and streamlined interconnection processes.

Tailored Insights

With custom dashboard options and sensitivity scenarios offered three times per year, REST™ allows subscribers to tailor their analysies to their specific needs, providng nuanced insight and empowering strategic decision-making.

Continuous Updates

Our REST™ platform undergoes quarterly refreshes, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date and accurate providing the latest insights into grid projects, congestion, and POI identification.

Features of REST™

REST™ empowers renewable developers with the tools they need for success in today's dynamic energy landscape.

grid layers icon

Grid Layers

Grid Layers

  • Mapped substations  (including lower kVs)
  • Available capacity for substations and transmission lines
  • Network upgrade costs and allocated costs for interconnecting up to 1500 MW
  • Multiple scenarios for queue dispatch (Base, Stressed, Custom Sensitivities)
  • Peak and light load conditions
  • Transparent study methodology with detailed assumptions
geo located icon

Geo-Located Base Layers

Geo-Located Base Layers

  • Substations
  • Transmission Lines (Straight lines) + EIA data (For reference)
  • Existing Generations
  • Future Loads
  • Interconnection Queues
  • Fiber Lines
  • Data Centers
heat mapping icon

Heat Mapping

Heat Mapping

  • Heatmap plots based on  kV level (Threshold)
  • Instantly load (high definition) heatmaps for multiple scenarios for prospecting:
    • Peak and Off-Peak
    • Discharging and Charging
    • Voltage level (kV) base threshold
Transmission icon

Future Transmission Upgrades

Future Transmission Upgrades

  • Upgrades from all clusters
  • Regional or Long Range Transmission Plans
  • Approved transmission upgrades
  • Updated quarterly or upon DPP cycles
  • Planned transmission upgrades tracked frequently

Why Choose ZEG REST™

Data-Driven Decision Making

Comprehensive Coverage

Our platform provides many features, including heatmaps, grid layers, upgrade costs, and allocation, ensuring thorough analysis and decision-making support.

Regular Updates

REST™ is refreshed quarterly, with more frequent updates available to ensure our users can access the most current data and insights. This includes tracking queue projects, transmission upgrades, and top congested elements.

Prospect Optimization

Our platform identifies the best possible points of interconnection (POI) through sophisticated prospecting methodologies, enabling users to make informed decisions confidently.

Flexible Dashboard

REST™ now offers a flexible front-end dashboard, allowing users to customize their interface and access data export options for enhanced usability and convenience.

Custom Scenarios

Subscribers benefit from custom or sensitivity scenarios offered three times a year, based on their specific modeling inputs or assumptions. This tailored approach ensures users can explore various scenarios to meet their unique needs and objectives.

REST™ is available as a seamless SaaS solution or as part of our expert consulting services.

Navigate Today’s Challenges with REST™