PJM Transmission and Interconnection Subcommittee Meeting – 7/29/2024

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The PJM Interconnection Process Subcommittee meeting on July 29, 2024, focused on challenges and solutions related to the interconnection process, particularly the handling of affected system studies and interactions with neighboring ISOs. Clarification on Affected System Study Agreements:Questions emerged about the necessity of executing new affected system study agreements when one was previously in place. […]

Overview of PJM Transition Cluster 1

PJM Transition Cluster 1 Upgrades

PJM has reached a significant milestone in its interconnection process reform by completing Phase 1 System Impact Studies for 306 active queued projects within Transition Cycle 1 (TC#1). This phase, which started on January 22, 2024, is crucial for evaluating the potential impacts of new energy projects on the existing PJM grid infrastructure. TC#1 encompasses […]

PJM Interconnection Process Subcommittee Meeting Summary – May 29, 2024

During the meeting, Jeriotte Ragsdale, a senior engineer at PJM, presented on the development of a new tool called Nextgen. ​Nextgen is designed to align with the new cycle-based interconnection process and serve as a comprehensive lifecycle management tool for all stakeholders involved in the planning process. ​ It aims to streamline the application intake, data […]

PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee Meeting Summary April 30, 2024

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During the meeting, several updates and discussions took place regarding various projects and topics related to the transmission system. Here is a detailed summary of the updates and discussions: Dominion Energy has identified a need to replace 79 existing transmission towers that carry 230 kV Line Number 272 (Dooms – Grottoes). The need for replacement […]

PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee Meeting Highlights – April 2, 2024

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The meeting covered various critical updates and initiatives within PJM, highlighting the organization’s commitment to operational efficiency and reliability. Michael Herman presented Generation Deactivation Notifications received by PJM in the first quarter of 2024, focusing on the deactivation of a 4.5 megawatt battery unit at Grand Ridge Energy. Clarifications were provided regarding deactivation dates and […]