SPP Transmission Working Group Meeting – August 27, 2024

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The meeting covered two critical topics: crafting a motion related to the sharing of hosting transmission capacity and the implementation of the NRIS Plus product (RR649). The discussions were detailed, addressing procedural aspects, stakeholder concerns, and the broader implications for SPP’s planning and operations. Motion Crafting and Hosting Transmission Capacity Sharing The meeting commenced with […]

SPP GIAG Meeting – August 21, 2024

services interconnection application

The meeting focused on several important topics concerning the transition to the NRIS Plus product, the effective system study review, and the planning process within SPP. The discussions were detailed and addressed both the procedural aspects and the concerns raised by stakeholders. Key Definitions and Expedited Designation Process for NRIS: The meeting began with an […]

SPP Markets Transmission Working Group Meeting – August 5, 2024

services transmission planning

Approval of Agenda and July 8th Meeting Minutes The meeting began with a review and approval of the meeting agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting held on July 8th. The group approved the agenda without any changes and proceeded to approve the July 8th minutes after a brief discussion. Deficiency Letter from FERC […]

Zero-Emission Grid Analyzes SPP DISIS Cluster Trends

services comprehensive modeling

With the impending closure of the SPP DISIS Cluster on October 31 and possible delays extending into 2026, Zero Emission Grid has performed a comprehensive analysis of fuel-type costs spanning from 2018 to 2023. Our study reveals not just the overarching trends but also regional cost variations, pinpointing why certain areas face steeper energy expenses. […]